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Beijing to welcome 50 giant pandas to new research base

来源:Global Groove news portal编辑:travel时间:2024-06-03 21:59:55

(ECNS) -- Beijing began the construction of a national giant panda conservation and research center with 50 pandas, which is expected to open in 2025, according to an official from the Fangshan district on Thursday.

Located at Qinglonghu forest park in Fangshan district, the base is adjacent to Chongqing Reservoir and home to forests and lakes, making it a suitable habitat for giant pandas.

The base will house a total of 50 giant pandas with an area of 133.3 hectares. The first phase of the base covers 64.5 hectares with 40 giant pandas, golden monkeys and red pandas, and a center for culture exchange.

The project seeks to achieve the harmonious coexistence between people and giant pandas and promote conservation and breeding of the giant pandas.

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